Hydration Info
Hydration and Electrolyte Replacement
It is very important to keep yourself well hydrated and to replace the loss of electrolytes (body salts and minerals) lost during a hot yoga class through your sweat. Dehydration and electrolyte imbalance go hand in hand. Water alone is insufficient!!! Please replace the sodium, potassium, chloride, and magnesium in your body. A good rule of thumb is that your body needs at least half of it's body's weight in fluid ounces to be properly hydrated. If you are taking hot classes and you sweat profusely, that number must be increased!
We sell these products to help you with your class:
Coconut water
Electrolyte powders you can add to your water
Dehydration Symptoms
Cool, clammy skin
Little or no urine with dark color and strong smell
Poor concentration
Irregular heartbeat, fast or hurried, skipping beats
Low blood pressure
Fast, shallow breathing
Mottled skin on elbows and knees
Caffeine and alcohol are diuretics; they will increase the flow of urine and pull water and electrolytes from your body!