Policies and Terms
We believe in providing a safe space where people can practice mindfully and strive to provide an enjoyable experience for all. In order to do this we have to have some rules and policies:​
Class Capacity, No Shows, Class Cancelations: When class has reached capacity, those who haven't signed up ahead will have to wait to see if there are any no shows. Arrive 5 minutes before class start time or your spot will be given away to anyone waiting. No shows are subject to a $10 fee. If you must cancel please do so online through your MindBody account. If nobody is signed up for a class 3 hours prior to start time, the class is subject to cancelation.
Account Cancelations and Pauses: We provide pauses for the following packages: Annual Unlimited and Auto Debit. You are allowed up to 3 pauses in a 12 month period of time. Pauses must be a minimum of 14 days and maximum of 30 days. Pauses may occur if you have an extended vacation or work trip for example. If you have a medical condition that requires longer than 30 days, please provide a doctors note including the time needed away. Any requests for more than 3 pauses or less than 14 days will be denied. In addition, all pause requests need to be emailed in writing to Charlene, no verbal pauses.
Auto Debit Cancelations: All requests for Auto Debit contract cancelations must be in writing at least 7 days before your next payment will be taken out. Auto Debits have a minimum contract of 6 months. If you do not finish your 6 months, you will be charged for each month used as if you had the month unlimited package with no commitment ($180/month).
Mat and Towel Rentals: We have very few mat and towel rentals ($5 each rental). Since covid we are trying to reduce the amount of rentals given out. Most of our classes are hot classes, therefore sweaty. We have a small washer and dryer and cannot keep up with large laundry loads. Please bring your own supplies for class. Hot classes require a rubber mat, large towel (or mat/towel combo) and water. Non-heated classes require rubber mats and water for more vigorous styles. We have rubber mats, thinner towels, thick mat/towel combos and drinks for sale in our lobby.*Any props like blocks, straps, weights and bolsters are provided for your convenience.