You find a yoga practice or other fitness routine that works for you and you get really excited about it! You go consistently for a while and then boom…lack of motivation strikes.
What can you do to combat this? We have some suggestions:
1.) Think of your workout or yoga practice as part of your lifestyle. It’s not just something you do once in a while when the feeling strikes. Go consistently. Learn more about what you’re doing by attending workshops or reading up on it. Know that you’re doing something amazing for yourself and that this is now part of your life.
2.) Just as mentioned above, consistency is key! At the studio we see how good habits form and we see when people fall away from their practice. Many times people have the best of intentions, “I’m going every day this week!” When really you need to pick realistic goals, “I’m going Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 4pm this week.” Make your goals specific and non-negotiable.
3.) Be open to trying new things. Really love that Hot Yoga class but you’re feeling a bit bored? We’re so happy that we offer different styles of Yoga and now Pilates at the studio! Get out of your comfort zone. Try different class styles and different instructors. You won't know if you like something until you try.
4.) Enlist a workout buddy. The instructors at the studio are there to guide you but are you having trouble making it to the studio?! You might hear us say, “getting here is half the battle” and it’s true! But who will help you get here? Sometimes having someone hold you accountable is just what you need to motivate yourself. Instead of hitting up the bar after work with your co-worker, you can encourage one another to take a class (drinks afterwards is optional- hey you earned it ;)
5.) Don’t beat yourself up if you have a setback. Many times we see that working out or eating healthy are very black and white for people. You’re either being “good” or “bad.” Always know that if you miss a few too many days you can always come back and start again. Any day is a perfect day to restart your practice.
6.) You are worthy. Kids taking up most of your time? Working long hours? These are reasons why you SHOULD make time for a class! Taking care of others and long work hours wreak havoc on our bodies and stress levels. Often we neglect the most important person in our lives (hint: it’s YOU). Self-care isn’t just pedicures and massages, it’s moving your body and maybe even just taking a moment to connect with your breath.
We’ve never had a student wish that they didn’t come to class! It’s the opposite. Getting here and staying motivated are tough- but once you’re here and class is over you’ll be so happy that you made the extra effort to come. We look forward to seeing you in class. Namaste.